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Government Shutdown- How will it affect YOU? And What can YOU do about it?

Government Shutdown– How will it affect YOU? And What can YOU do about it?

Government Shut down, what does it mean for you and your family?  In researching… the Veterans Center is closed today, which is very important to those who are using these resources to help maintain their health.

Who benefits? from a Government Shutdown?

NOT THE PEOPLE… even National parks, and Museums are shut down… this is a concern for many.

The problem is much deeper than many know.  The money is still printing because the Federal Government is not in control… the government borrows the money, the debt of the US Government is growing every second.

Have you ever researched the FEDERAL RESERVE?  Everyone in this country will be affected.  The problems are not being solved, the problems only growing…

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A government shutdown how will it affect to you?

The US government will close National Parks, Museums VA clinics and Americans will lose over 800,000 jobs…

What is the debt ceiling, fiscal cliff?

What does furlough mean?

The government has shut down 12 times since 1977.
The very last time the government shutdown was in 1995.

Why is it such a big deal today?
Because today people communicate faster than ever before in history and news spreads literally at the speed of light.

I hope you enjoy my video and if you are affected financially by the government shutdown.

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